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How do I manage FLYdocs Templates of Manage By Date in Monthly Re...

Table of Contents :

How do I add FLYdocs Template?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.  
2. Hover over the Commercial Management tab.  
3. Hover over Asset Management Centre and Click on the Monthly Reporting tab.  
4. Go to Manage By field and Select Manage By Date from List.  
5. Select Client from the list. It will load data into grid.  
6. Go to end of the date record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. (E.g As shown in image 26th March 2018 date record is selected.)  
7. In a new window, Select View Type from the list. By default Thumbnail view loaded.  
8. Hover over the Manage Documents dropdown and Click on the Add FLYdocs template option. It will open a new window.  
9. Select Template Type, Template Group and Document Group from List and Fill other relevant details.  
10. Click on CREATE button. It will open new window.  
11. Fill the required details mention in template and Click on SAVE button to save your changes.  
12. It will show you Popup window. Click on the OK button.  

How do I edit FLYdocs Template?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.  
2. Hover over the Commercial Management tab.  
3. Hover over Asset Management Centre and Click on the Monthly Reporting tab.  
4. Go to Manage By field and Select Manage By Date from List.  
5. Select Client from the list. It will load data into grid.  
6. Go to end of the date record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. (E.g As shown in image 26th March 2018 date record is selected.)  
7. In a new window, Select View Type from the list. By default Thumbnail view loaded.  
8. Click on the template name for which you want to edit FLYdocs Template. It will open new window.  
9. Fill the required details mention in template and Click on SAVE button to save your changes.  
10. It will show you Popup window. Click on the OK button.  

How do I delete FLYdocs Template?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.  
2. Hover over the Commercial Management tab.  
3. Hover over Asset Management Centre and Click on the Monthly Reporting tab.  
4. Go to Manage By field and Select Manage By Date from List.  
5. Select Client from the list. It will load data into grid.  
6. Go to end of the date record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. (E.g As shown in image 26th March 2018 date record is selected.)  
7. In a new window, Select View Type from the list. By default Thumbnail view loaded.  
8. Go to Template section and Tick the Tick box in front of template name.  
9. Hover over Manage Documents dropdown and Click on the Delete option.  
10. It will show you Popup window. Click on the OK button.  
11. It will show you Popup window. Click on the OK button.

How do I print FLYdocs Template?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.  
2. Hover over the Commercial Management tab.  
3. Hover over Asset Management Centre and Click on the Monthly Reporting tab.  
4. Go to Manage By field and Select Manage By Date from List.  
5. Select Client from the list. It will load data into grid.  
6. Go to end of the date record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. (E.g As shown in image 26th March 2018 date record is selected.)  
7. In a new window, Select View Type from the list. By default Thumbnail view loaded.  
8. Click on template name for which you want to print FLYdocs Template. It will open new window.  
9. Click on PRINT button. It will open new window. Select respective Printer and Click on PRINT button again. It will print FLYdocs Template.

Note: PRINT button will enable, If it is signed by user.

How do I download FLYdocs Template?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.  
2. Hover over the Commercial Management tab.  
3. Hover over Asset Management Centre and Click on the Monthly Reporting tab.  
4. Go to Manage By field and Select Manage By Date from List.  
5. Select Client from the list. It will load data into grid.  
6. Go to end of the date record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. (E.g As shown in image 26th March 2018 date record is selected.)  
7. In a new window, Select View Type from the list. By default Thumbnail view loaded.  
8. Click on template name for which you want to download FLYdocs Template. It will open new window.  
9. Click on DOWNLOAD button.  
10. It will show you Popup asking whether you want to open or save file.  

How do I view Field Audit Trail?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.  
2. Hover over the Commercial Management tab.  
3. Hover over Asset Management Centre and Click on the Monthly Reporting tab.  
4. Go to Manage By field and Select Manage By Date from List.  
5. Select Client from the list. It will load data into grid.  
6. Go to end of the date record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. (E.g As shown in image 26th March 2018 date record is selected.)  
7. In a new window, Select View Type from the list. By default Thumbnail view loaded.  
8. Click on the template name for which you want to view field audit trail. It will open that template in a new window.  
9. Go to any field of that template. It will enable FIELD AUDIT TRAIL button.  
10. Click on FIELD AUDIT TRAIL button. It will open Audit Trail of that field in new window.  

How do I copy FLYdocs Template?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.  
2. Hover over the Commercial Management tab.  
3. Hover over Asset Management Centre and Click on the Monthly Reporting tab.  
4. Go to Manage By field and Select Manage By Date from List.  
5. Select Client from the list. It will load data into grid.  
6. Go to end of the date record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. (E.g As shown in image 26th March 2018 date record is selected.)  
7. In a new window, Select View Type from the list. By default Thumbnail view loaded.  
8. Go to Template Section and Click on template Name which you want to copy. It will open that template in a new window.  
9. Click on COPY button. It will open new window.  
10. Select Group where you want to create copy of current template.  
11. Click on CREATE button. It will open new window.  
12. It will show you Popup window. Click on the OK button.  

How do I export FLYdocs Template?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.  
2. Hover over the Commercial Management tab.  
3. Hover over Asset Management Centre and Click on the Monthly Reporting tab.  
4. Go to Manage By field and Select Manage By Date from List.  
5. Select Client from the list. It will load data into grid.  
6. Go to end of the date record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. (E.g As shown in image 26th March 2018 date record is selected.)  
7. In a new window, Select View Type from the list. By default Thumbnail view loaded.  
8. Go to Template Section and Click on template name which you want to export. It will open that template in a new window.  
9. Click on EXPORT button.  
10. It will show you Popup asking whether you want to open or save file.  

How do I add my Signature to FLYdocs Template?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.  
2. Hover over the Commercial Management tab.  
3. Hover over Asset Management Centre and Click on the Monthly Reporting tab.  
4. Go to Manage By field and Select Manage By Date from List.  
5. Select Client from the list. It will load data into grid.  
6. Go to end of the date record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. (E.g As shown in image 26th March 2018 date record is selected.)  
7. In a new window, Select View Type from the list. By default Thumbnail view loaded.  
8. Click on template name for which you want to print FLYdocs Template. It will open new window.  
9. Click on the SIGNATURE button. It will open new window.  
10. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
11. It will show you Popup window. Click on the OK button.

How do I undo my Signature to FLYdocs Template?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.  
2. Hover over the Commercial Management tab.  
3. Hover over Asset Management Centre and Click on the Monthly Reporting tab.  
4. Go to Manage By field and Select Manage By Date from List.  
5. Select Client from the list. It will load data into grid.  
6. Go to end of the date record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. (E.g As shown in image 26th March 2018 date record is selected.)  
7. In a new window, Select View Type from the list. By default Thumbnail view loaded.  
8. Click on template name for which you want to print FLYdocs Template. It will open new window.
9. Click on the UNDO SIGNATURES button. It will open new window.  
10. It will show you Po
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  1. Lauren Partridge

  2. Posted
