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How do I manage rows in Current Status of Landing Gear Centre?

Table of Contents :

How do I add a new row in Current Status?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Landing Gear Centre Tab.
3. Select the asset from the grid.
4. Hover over the Current Status dropdown and Select any tab from the dropdown. It will open new window.

5. Click on the ADD button. It will open a new window.
6. We can Add Multiple Rows by inserting the number of rows here and Enter number for set number of rows you want.  
7. Fill the Information that you want.  
8. Click on SAVE Button to add new rows created by you.
9. It will show a popup. Click on OK button.  

How do I edit row in Current Status?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Landing Gear Centre Tab.
3. Select the asset from the grid.  
4. Hover over the Current Status dropdown and Select any tab from the dropdown. It will open new window.

5. Right click on row which you wish to Edit and select option Edit Row.
6. We can Edit that row by inline option.  
7. Click on save image at the right side end of row for save update that you make.  
8. It will show a popup. Click on OK button.

How do I delete row in Current Status?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Landing Gear Centre Tab.
3. Select the asset from the grid.  
4. Hover over the Current Status dropdown and Select any tab from the dropdown. It will open new window.

5. Right click on row which you wish to Delete and select option Delete Row.
6. Popup message will appear to confirm deletion, By selecting OK button, The row will be deleted.  
7. Getting popup message that "The row has been deleted successfully." Click OK.  
8. Then selected row which you have deleted will be marked by line.  

How do I add a rows above or below in Current Status?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Landing Gear Centre Tab.
3. Select the asset from the grid.  
4. Hover over the Current Status dropdown and Select any tab from the dropdown. It will open new window.

5. For creating new row, Right click on the row where you want to add new rows above or below.
6. We can Add Multiple Rows by insert the number of rows here and Enter for set number of rows you want.  
7. Fill the Information that you want.  
8. Click on SAVE Button to add new rows.
9. It will show a popup. Click on OK button.  

How do I copy row in Current Status?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Landing Gear Centre Tab.
3. Select the asset from the grid.  
4. Hover over the Current Status dropdown and Select any tab from the dropdown. It will open new window.

5. Right click on row which you wish to Copy and select option Copy Row. It will open new window.
6. Enter the numbers of rows you want to copy.
7. Click on COPY ROWS button.
8. Click on SAVE button to copy rows.
9. It will open a popup window. Click on OK button.

How do I Edit Multiple Rows in Current Status?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Landing Gear Centre Tab.
3. Select the asset from the grid.  
4. Hover over the Current Status dropdown and Select any tab from the dropdown. It will open new window.

5. Right click on any Row and click on Edit Multiple Records and respective row will be open on edit mode in new page with all the other existing rows below on the grid.
6. There will be a tick box on the top of column in edit mode. If selected, columns will be considered as the updated column upon editing.
7. All the existing CS row will be loaded into the grid with check box. If selected, it will apply the edited information on the above row and will overwrite the selected multiple row values.
8. Click on SAVE Button.
9. It will show a popup. Click on OK button.  

How do I delete a cell in Current Status?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Landing Gear Centre Tab.
3. Select the asset from the grid.  
4. Hover over the Current Status dropdown and Select any tab from the dropdown. It will open new window.

5. Right click on cell which you wish to Delete and select option Delete Cell.
6. It will show you confirmation popup window. Click on the OK button.  
7. It will show you a popup message. Click on OK button.

How do I add flag to row in Current Status?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Landing Gear Centre Tab.
3. Select the asset from the grid.  
4. Hover over the Current Status dropdown and Select any tab from the dropdown. It will open new window.

5. Right click on row which you wish to add Flag.
6. It will show confirmation popup message. Click on OK button.
7. It will show a popup message. Click on OK button.

How do I run FLYsearch for Single row?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Landing Gear Centre Tab.
3. Select the asset from the grid.  
4. Hover over the Current Status dropdown and Select any tab from the dropdown. It will open new window.

5. Right click on row which you wish to Run FLYsearch.

Note :  1 If you click on Run FLYsearch option for rows individually, then it will ask execute for all patterns or Any respective  patterns available on the FLYsearch Management.
2. Run FLYsearch option will be visible for rows with having 'Lessee Accepted' and 'No documents found' work status.
6. Popup message will appear to confirm Run FLYsearch By selecting OK button.
7. Getting popup message that " Your FLYsearch has now started ". When the FLYsearch will be completed you will be advised by email. click on Ok.
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  1. Lauren Partridge

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