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How do I Generate the preview for the document?

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How do I Generate the preview for the document?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover on the Fleet Management then Hover on the Maintenance Control Centre and Click on Manage By Date Tab.
3. Click on the General Components Button.  
4. Select Release Certs Tab or Workshop Strip Reports Tab for which you want to open document.  
5. Select Client from dropdown list.  
6. Select Audit View from the list. It will load records into grid.  
7. Go to end of the date record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. (E.g As shown in image 26th March 2018 date record is selected.)  
8. Go to document for which you want to change Preview and Click on Preview icon. It will generate Preview into new window.  
9. It will show you different preview images. Select image that you want to put as a Preview.  
10. Click on SAVE button to save your Preview.  
11. It will give you pop up message of "Preview image saved successfully".  
Note:- If you do not see this option appear it is due to access restrictions for your user account. please contact an administrator.
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  1. Lauren Partridge

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