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How do I access FLYprint Headers in Repair Centre?

Table of Contents :

How do I access FLYprint Headers?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.  
2. Hover over the Fleet Management then Hover over the Repair Centre tab and Click on Repair Mapper tab.  
3. Select Client from List.  
4. Select Aircraft or Aircraft Type.  
5. Select Aircraft or Aircraft Type from list.  
6. Click on LOAD button. It will load Tool Bar in a same window and Repairs page in a new window.  
7. Select on Controls button.  
8. Click on 'Manage FLYprint Headers' Tab.  
9. Open new window for manage FLYprint Headers in Main Flydocs Area and Client Area by check or uncheck button.  
10. Getting alert message here.  
11. Click on SAVE button at the right and top side of page.  
12. Getting popup massage that "Changes have been saved successfully." Click Ok.  
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  1. Lauren Partridge

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
