1. |
Login to your account using the username and password provided. |
2. |
Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Landing Gear Centre Tab. |
3. |
Click on the Landing Gear Sub-Assembly Fleet tab. |
4. |
Select the asset from the grid. |
5. |
Hover over the Current Status dropdown and Select any tab from the dropdown. It will open new window.
6. |
Hover over the CONTROLS dropdown and Click on the FLYsearch Management option. It will open a new window. |
![]()  |
7. |
In the new window, Select any row from grid which you want to edit. |
8. |
Click on EDIT button. |
9. |
Select "FLYsearch Run Options" option.
Note: "FLYsearch Run Options: Always On" will be disable for Delivery bible/Tech Link section. |
10. |
Select all required fields. |
11. |
Click on SAVE button. |
12. |
It will show you Popup message. Click on OK button. |
Lauren Partridge