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How do I drag and drop a box into FSCC?

Table of Contents :

How do I drag and drop a box into FSCC?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
Note: These login details will be the same as the FLYdocs web platform.
2. Select a Client from the Client dropdown and then select 'OK'.
3. Click on Scan at Source tab.  
4. Select the sub tab for Historic/ BAU Scanning.
5. Select a Centre.
6. Select a component from the grid.
7. Select the 'View' icon at the right side of the component row to enter the Box/ Folder level window for the selected component.  
8. From your PC, drag and drop the box into the Box/ Folder Level window.
Note: Your box MUST meet the FLYdocs folder structure (Folder ->> Sub-Folder ->> files).
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Lauren Partridge

  2. Posted 4 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
