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ATA Chapter

ATA Chapter

ATA Chapter numbers are a common referencing standard for all commercial aircraft and their documentation.

The standard numbering system was published by the Air Transport Association on June 1, 1956; it has since been updated to keep pace with aircraft development.

The unique aspect of the chapter numbers is its relevance for all manuals and aircraft. Thus a chapter reference number for a Boeing 747 will be the same for an Airbus A320 and the same for each manual, such as the AMM, IPC and SRM.

Below is a list of the most common ATA Chapters

11 Placards and Markings 34 Navigation 64 Tall Rotor
12 Servicing 35 Oxygen 65 Tall Rotor Drive
14 Hardware 36 Pneumatic 67 Rotors Flight Control
18 Helicopter Vibration 37 Vacuum 71 Power Plant
21 Air Conditioning 38 Water/Waste 72 Turbine/Turboprop Engine
22 Auto Flight 45 Central Maintenance System 73 Engine Fuel and Control
23 Communications 49 Airborne Auxiliary Power 74 Ignition
24 Electrical Power 51 Standard Practices/Structures 75 Air
25 Equipment/Furnishings 52 Doors 76 Engine Controls
26 Fire Protection 53 Fuselage 77 Engine Indicating 
27 Flight Controls 54 Nacelles/Pylons 78 Engine Exhaust
28 Fuel 55 Stabilizers 79 Engine Oil
29 Hydraulic Power 56 Windows 80 Starting
30 Ice and Rain Protection 57 Wings 81 Turbocharging
31 Instruments 61 Propellers/Propulsors 82 Water Injections
32 Landing Gear 62 Main Rotor 83 Accessory Gearboxes
33 Lights 63 Main Rotor Drive  85 Reciprocating Engine 
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