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Technical Specifications

  • How do I upload documents?

    Table of Contents : How do I upload documents? How do I upload documents? 1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.   2. Hover over the Commercial Management tab. 3. Hover ove...

  • How do I view Aircraft Specification Document?

    Table of Contents : How do I view Aircraft Specification Document? How do I view Aircraft Specification Document? 1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.   2. Hover on the C...

  • How do I view audit trail of document groups?

    Table of Contents : How do I view audit trail of document groups? How do I view audit trail of document groups? 1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.   2. Hover over Asset...

  • How do I view audit trail of manage status list?

    Table of Contents : How do I view audit trail of manage status list? How do I view audit trail of manage status list? 1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.   2. Hover over...

  • How do I view audit trail of manage work status list?

    Table of Contents : How do I view audit trail of manage work status list? How do I view audit trail of manage work status list? 1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.   2. ...

  • How do I view Technical Specification of a Specific aircraft?

    Table of Contents : How do I view Technical Specification of a Specific aircraft? How do I view Technical Specification of a Specific aircraft? 1. Login to your account using the username and password...

  • How do I view Hyperlinked/Non-Hyperlinked row?

    Table of Contents : How do I view Hyperlink row? How do I view Non-Hyperlink row? How do I view Hyperlink row? 1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.   2. Hover over the Co...

  • How do I filter rows in Aircraft Specification?

    Table of Contents :  How do I filter rows in Aircraft Specification? How do I filter rows in Aircraft Specification? 1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.   2. Hover over ...

  • How do I manage documents in Technical Specifications?

    Table of Contents : How do I reorder documents? How do I save Merged documents directly to the respective row? How do I download Merged documents to PC? How do I download split documents to PC? How do...