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  • Layout of Passenger Accommodation (LOPA)

    A drawing, which shows the exact location of the aircraft’s cabin interior that includes, but is not limited to, locations of passenger and flight attendant seats, emergency equipment, exits, lavatori...

  • Line Maintenance

    Line Maintenance The maintenance carried out whilst the Aircraft is in service either during its turnaround at an Airport (Line Station) or overnight or other period of time in its flight schedule whe...

  • Line Replaceable Units (LRU)

    Line Replaceable Unit – any component of an aircraft or engine which can be replaced during line maintenance. This constitutes complete components, like avionic units, whole engines or engine componen...

  • Life Limited Part (LLP)

    Life-limited Part is a part with an established replacement time, inspection interval, or related procedure in the airworthiness limitations section...

  • Log Book

    Log Book Aircraft, Engines and APU’s may have Maintenance History recorded in a hard copy book which is referred to as a Log Book. Occasionally a Component may be found to have a Log book such as an A...