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FLYdocs FSCC V5.0.4, released on the June 2017


  • Added password reset in FSCC to allow FLYdocs password can now be changed directly in the application.
  • Added the folder details to the export of the FSCC Processing Report.
  • Added Landing Gear and APU Centre in Daily Scanning section.
  • FSCC workflow settings are now generated automatically when a new client is added.
  • Various security updates and improvements made.
  • Added configurable proxy setting options to start up.


  • Removed windows automatic start up setting in the FSCC.
  • Removed mandatory validation to select an airport location in Daily Scanning.


  • None


  • Improved the zoom functionality when viewing .tiff directly in FSCC.
  • All tagging changes are kept in the XML files.
  • Improvements made to the drag and drop function to allow duplicate file names to be included.
  • Copying/ Moving files in the FSCC now also copies/moves any changes made to the meta data.
  • Improvements made to the reports to show the present date by default.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Lauren Partridge

  2. Posted
