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How do I view Dashboard in Maintenance Control Centre(Manage By Date)?

Table of Contents :

How do I view total number of unread and new notes?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.

Hover over the Fleet Management tab.

Hover over the Maintenance Control Centre tab and Click on the Manage By Date tab.

It will show you details of Total number of new Notes and Total number of unread Notes in Dashboard which is available above the grid section.

Note : You need to select the respective tab under MCC i.e., Tech Logs, WorkPacks, etc., then only the data will get reflected on Dashboard.

How do I view document count with different statuses?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.

Hover over the Fleet Management tab.

Hover over the Maintenance Control Centre tab and Click on the Manage By Date tab.

It will show you details of Total number of documents which are having different statuses i.e., document with unique reference number, Approved, Reviewed, Queried, Rejected, Not Yet Worked.

Note : You need to select the respective tab under MCC i.e., Tech Logs, WorkPacks, etc., then only the data will get reflected on Dashboard.

How do I view document count which are received with/without Reference Number?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.

Hover over the Fleet Management tab.

Hover over the Maintenance Control Centre tab and Click on the Manage By Date tab.

It will show you details of Total number of document received with or without reference number

Note : You need to select the respective tab under MCC i.e., Tech Logs, WorkPacks, etc., then only the data will get reflected on Dashboard.

Please consider below points -

If Document status is
  • Approved and Unmarked for same reference number
  • Approved and Reviewed for same reference number
  • Approved and Queried for same reference number
  • Approved and Rejected for same reference number
then we count approved document in dashboard
If Document status is
  • Queried and Unmarked for same reference number
  • Queried and Rejected for same reference number
  • Queried and Reviewed for same reference number
then we count Queried document in dashboard
If Document status is
  • Reviewed and Unmarked for same reference number
  • Reviewed and Rejected for same reference number
then we count Reviewed document in dashboard
If Document status is
Rejected and unmarked for same reference number
then we count Unmarked document in dashboard

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  1. Lauren Partridge

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
