How do I add a new Document Group in Propeller for Lease Management?
1. | Login to your account using the username and password provided. | |
2. | Click on the Asset / Lease Management Tab. | |
3. | Click on the Lease Management Tab. | |
4. | Click on the Propeller Tab. | |
5. | Select the Client in the dropdown list. | |
6. | Select the row data in the grid. | |
7. | Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. | |
8. | Select the row data in the grid. | |
9. | Click on the View button. It will open a new window. | |
10. | Click on the Managers Tab. | |
11. | Click on view icon which is on the top right corner. It will open the template in a new window. | |
12. | Hover on the Controls and Click on Manage Document Groups option. It will open a new window. | |
13. | Click on the Add button to add the new data. | |
14. | Fill the details as per your requirement. | |
15. | Click on the Save button. | |
16. | It will open a Popup message. Click on OK. |
How do I Edit Document Group in Propeller for Lease Management?
1. | Login to your account using the username and password provided. | |
2. | Click on the Asset / Lease Management Tab. | |
3. | Click on the Lease Management Tab. | |
4. | Click on the Propeller Tab. | |
5. | Select the Client in the dropdown list. | |
6. | Select the row data in the grid. | |
7. | Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. | |
8. | Select the row data in the grid. | |
9. | Click on the View button. It will open a new window. | |
10. | Click on the Managers Tab. | |
11. | Click on view icon which is on the top right corner. It will open the template in a new window. | |
12. | Hover on the Controls and Click on Manage Document Groups option. It will open a new window. | |
13. | Select the row from the grid. | |
14. | Click on Edit button to edit the data | |
15. | Edit the details as per your requirement. | |
16. | Click on the Save button. | |
17. | It will open a Popup message. Click on OK. | |
How do I Delete Document Group in Propeller for Lease Management?
1. | Login to your account using the username and password provided. | |
2. | Click on the Asset / Lease Management Tab. | |
3. | Click on the Lease Management Tab. | |
4. | Click on the Propeller Tab. | |
5. | Select the Client in the dropdown list. | |
6. | Select the row data in the grid. | |
7. | Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. | |
8. | Select the row data in the grid. | |
9. | Click on the View button. It will open a new window. | |
10. | Click on the Managers Tab. | |
11. | Click on view icon which is on the top right corner. It will open the template in a new window. | |
12. | Hover on the Controls and Click on Manage Document Groups option. It will open a new window. | |
13. | Select the row from the grid. | |
14. | Click on the Delete button. | |
15. | It will open a Popup message. Click on OK. | |
16. | Another Popup message will be open. Click on OK. |
How do I Reorder Document Group row in Propeller for Lease Management?
1. | Login to your account using the username and password provided. | |
2. | Click on the Asset / Lease Management Tab. | |
3. | Click on the Lease Management Tab. | |
4. | Click on the Propeller Tab. | |
5. | Select the Client in the dropdown list. | |
6. | Select the row data in the grid. | |
7. | Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. | |
8. | Select the row data in the grid. | |
9. | Click on the View button. It will open a new window. | |
10. | Click on the Managers Tab. | |
11. | Click on view icon which is on the top right corner. It will open the template in a new window. | |
12. | Hover on the Controls and Click on Manage Document Groups option. It will open a new window. | |
13. | Select the row from the grid. | |
14. | Click on move Icon to move your row upward/downward. | |
15. | It will open a Popup message. Click on OK. |
How do I show a Document Group to main users in Propeller for Lease Management?
1. | Login to your account using the username and password provided. | |
2. | Click on the Asset / Lease Management Tab. | |
3. | Click on the Lease Management Tab. | |
4. | Click on the Propeller Tab. | |
5. | Select the Client in the dropdown list. | |
6. | Select the row data in the grid. | |
7. | Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. | |
8. | Select the row data in the grid. | |
9. | Click on the View button. It will open a new window. | |
10. | Click on the Managers Tab. | |
11. | Click on view icon which is on the top right corner. It will open the template in a new window. | |
12. | Hover on the Controls and Click on Manage Document Groups option. It will open a new window. | |
13. | Go to the row and tick the 'Show Group to Main User' tickbox for that row. | |
14. | It will open a Popup message. Click on OK. |
How do I hide a Document Group to the main user in Propeller for Lease Management?
1. | Login to your account using the username and password provided. | |
2. | Click on the Asset / Lease Management Tab. | |
3. | Click on the Lease Management Tab. | |
4. | Click on the Propeller Tab. | |
5. | Select the Client in the dropdown list. | |
6. | Select the row data in the grid. | |
7. | Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. | |
8. | Select the row data in the grid. | |
9. | Click on the View button. It will open a new window. | |
10. | Click on the Managers Tab. | |
11. | Click on view icon which is on the top right corner. It will open the template in a new window. | |
12. | Hover on the Controls and Click on Manage Document Groups option. It will open a new window. | |
13. | Go to the row and untick the 'Show Group to Main User' tickbox for that row. | |
14. | It will open a Popup message. Click on OK. | |
How do I view Audit Trail in Document Groups of Managers Tab in Propeller for Lease Management?
1. | Login to your account using the username and password provided. | |
2. | Click on the Asset / Lease Management Tab. | |
3. | Click on the Lease Management Tab. | |
4. | Click on the Propeller Tab. | |
5. | Select the Client in the dropdown list. | |
6. | Select the row data in the grid. | |
7. | Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. | |
8. | Select the row data in the grid. | |
9. | Click on the View button. It will open a new window. | |
10. | Click on the Managers Tab. | |
11. | Click on view icon which is on the top right corner. It will open the template in a new window. | |
12. | Hover on the Controls and Click on Manage Document Groups option. It will open a new window. | |
13. | Click on the Audit Trail button. It will open the Audit Trail page in a new window. | |
14. |
Lauren Partridge