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How do I cancel an upload?

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How do I cancel an upload?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
Note: These login details will be the same as the FLYdocs web platform.
2. Select a Client from the Client dropdown and then select 'OK'.
3. Select the tab for Reports at the top of the application.
4. Select the sub tab for 'Processing Report'.
5. click on the cancel icon to cancel upload/zipping of large files which visible at bottom.
6. It will show you pop up message as "Are you sure you want cancel the ongoing zipping process". Click on 'Yes' to cancel zipping process/uploading. After that zipping process going to CANCEL.

Notes: Cancel Process will display at all levels like ASSET/Status Sheet/BOX/FOLDER/FILE level.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Lauren Partridge

  2. Posted
