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How do I copy Mid Term Inspection Template?

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How do I copy Mid Term Inspection Template?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Master tab then Hover over Mid-term Inspections Templates and Click on Mid-term Inspections Templates tab.  
3. Select Client from List.  
4. Select Template Type from the List. It will load templates data into grid.  
5. Select Template Title row that you want to copy in another client. That row will be highlighted in different color once selected. Right Click on that row and Click on COPY option. It will open new window.  
6. Go to Client Name for which you want to copy Mid-term Inspection template and Tick the Tick box shown in front of it.  
7. Click on SUBMIT button.  
8. It will show you Pop up message. Click on OK button.  
9. It will show you another Pop up message. Click on OK button.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Lauren Partridge

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
