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Transaction Documents

  • How do I manage Categories in Transaction Documents?

    Table of Contents : How do I edit Category? How do I delete Category? How do I view Audit Trail for Category Management? How do I export Audit Trail for Category Management? How do I edit Category? 1....

  • How do I give access of Category to specific group?

    Table of Contents : How do I give access of Category to specific group? How do I give access of Category to specific group? 1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.   2. Hove...

  • How do I view archived Contract Management Aircrafts Transaction ...

    Table of Contents :  How do I view archived Contract Management Aircrafts Transaction Documents? How do I view archived Contract Management Aircrafts Transaction Documents? 1. Login to your account us...

  • How do I attach/move documents to cs?

    Table of Contents : How do I attach/move documents to cs? How do I attach/move documents to cs? 1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.   2. Hover over the Commercial Manage...

  • How do I manage documents?

    Table of Contents : How do I reorder documents? How do I copy document to Other Group? How do I copy a document? How do I move documents? How do I merge documents? How do I download split documents to...