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GRN - Goods Release/Receipt/Received Note/Number


Goods Release/Receipt/Received Note/Number. May also be known as a Batch Number.

All Material, Parts, Components, Engines, APU and Landing Gear must come from an approved source and the MRO must be able to demonstrate this.

These organisations will often assign at Goods Receipt to all received Material, Parts, Components, Engines, APU and Landing Gear their own internal reference, known as a Goods Release/Receipt/Received Note/Number.

This Note/Number will accompany the Material, Components, Engines, APU and Landing Gear until installed on an Aircraft, Components, Engines, APU and Landing Gear and be entered on the Aircraft Technical Log or Work Cards.

Where the Components, Engines, APU and Landing Gear is Serialised the MRO procedures may not require the recording of the GRN on the Aircraft Technical Log or Work Cards as the Part Number and Serial Number is sufficient to trace the Aircraft, Components, Engines, APU and Landing Gear to its Authorised Release Certificate.

The MRO may make a note of this GRN on the Authorised Release Certificate.

This GRN may be computer generated and found on Status reports but may be not to be the same number as assigned at Goods Receipt.
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  1. Lauren Partridge

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