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How do I use CSV Management in Manage Internal Documentation?

Table of Contents :

How do I upload a CSV file?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab. Hover Over Document management Centre tab and Select Manage Internal documentation tab.  
3. Select Client and Other relevant details.  
4. Click VIEW button. It will open new window.  
5. Hover over the CONTROLS dropdown and Click on the CSV Management option. It will open a new window.
6. Select upload option.
7. Select the file to upload.
8. Click on UPLOAD button.
9. It will show you columns selected in the grid. Click on CONTINUE button.

How do I use the compare feature in CSV Management?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab. Hover Over Document management Centre tab and Select Manage Internal documentation tab.  
3. Select Client and Other relevant details.  
4. Click VIEW button. It will open new window.  
5. Hover over the CONTROLS dropdown and Click on the CSV Management option. It will open a new window.
6. Select Compare option.
7. Select Columns that you want to compare by ticking tick box.
8. Select the file to upload
9. Click on UPLOAD button.
10. It will show you columns selected for comparison in the grid. Click on CONTINUE button.
11. Click on DOWNLOAD REPORT button.
12. It will ask you to view or save Excel sheet. This Excel sheet will show you compared information.

How do I use delete all records in CSV management?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab. Hover Over Document management Centre tab and Select Manage Internal documentation tab.  
3. Select Client and Other relevant details.  
4. Click VIEW button. It will open new window.  
5. Hover over the CONTROLS dropdown and Click on the CSV Management option. It will open a new window.
6. Select Delete all records option.
7. Click on DELETE button.
8. Popup window will be shown. Click on the OK button.
9. It will show you "Rows deleted successfully." message.

How do I use upload and replace existing status list?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab. Hover Over Document management Centre tab and Select Manage Internal documentation tab.  
3. Select Client and Other relevant details.  
4. Click VIEW button. It will open new window.  
5. Hover over the CONTROLS dropdown and Click on the CSV Management option. It will open a new window.
6. Select Upload and replace existing status list option.
7. Select file that you want to upload.
8. Click on UPLOAD button.
9. Popup window will be shown. Click on the OK button.
10. Popup window will be shown. Click on the OK button.
11. It will show you columns selected for comparison in the grid. Click on CONTINUE button.
12. Click on DOWNLOAD REPORT button.
13. It will ask you to view or save Excel sheet.

How do I run FLYsearch?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab. Hover Over Document management Centre tab and Select Manage Internal documentation tab.  
3. Select Client and Other relevant details.  
4. Click VIEW button. It will open new window.  
5. Hover over the CONTROLS dropdown and Click on the CSV Management option. It will open a new window.
6. Select Run FLYsearch.
7. Select Run FLYsearch option.
8. It will show you Popup window. Click on the OK button.

Note: Work status comes based on the Master » FLYsearch Management.
9. FLYsearch will now automatically begin to find and populate documentation. An email notification will be sent once completed.

How do I undo most recent FLYsearch?

1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.
2. Hover over the Fleet Management tab. Hover Over Document management Centre tab and Select Manage Internal documentation tab.  
3. Select Client and Other relevant details.  
4. Click VIEW button. It will open new window.  
5. Hover over the CONTROLS dropdown and Click on the CSV Management option. It will open a new window.
6. Select Undo FLYsearch Completed Rows option.
7. Click on UN-DO FLYSEARCH button.
8. It will show you message of an email notification will be sent once process of Undo FLYsearch completed.  
Note:- If you do not see this option appear it is due to access restrictions for your user account. please contact an administrator.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Lauren Partridge

  2. Posted
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