Table of Contents: |
How do I export the Inventory Report?
1. | Login to your account using the username and password provided. | |
2. | Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Landing Gear Centre Tab. | |
3. | Click on the Landing Gear Sub-Assembly Fleet tab. | |
4. | Select the asset from the grid. | |
5. | Hover over the Maintenance Status button and Click on the Landing Gear History button. It will open a new window. NOTE: The Maintenance Status button will become active once a Landing Gear record has been selected. |
6. | Hover over the REPORTS dropdown and Click on the Inventory Report tab. It will open a new window. | |
7. | Select View from Select By list and Select other relevant details. | |
8. | Click on the FILTER button. | |
9. | Click on the EXPORT button. | |
Lauren Partridge