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Physical Inspection Application

  • How do I Download Aircraft Data?

    Table of Contents :  How do I Download an Aircraft? How do I Download an Aircraft? 1. Tap on the FLY Inspection App icon on your device.   2. Enter your Username and Password and tap on Login Button. ...

  • How do I select all images at once?

    Table of Contents :  How do I select all images at once? How do I select all images at once? 1. Tap on the FLY Inspection app icon on your device.   2. Enter your Username and Password and tap on Logi...

  • How do I filter by Work Status?

    Table of Contents :  How do I filter by Work Status? How do I filter by Work Status? 1. Tap on the FLY Inspection App icon on your device.   2. Enter your Username and Password and tap on Login Button...

  • How do I filter column values?

    Table of Contents :  How do I filter column values? How do I filter column values? 1. Tap on the FLY Inspection App icon on your device.   2. Enter your Username and Password and tap on Login Button. ...

  • How do I edit an image?

    Table of Contents :  How do I edit an image? How do I edit an Image? 1. Tap on the FLYdocs Inspection App icon on your device.   2. Enter your Username and Password and tap on Login Button. 3. Select ...

  • How do I delete an image?

    Table of Contents :  How do I delete an image? How do I delete an image? 1. Tap on the FLY Inspection app icon on your device.   2. Enter your Username and Password and tap on Login Button. 3. Select ...

  • How do I upload an Image?

    Table of Contents :  How do I Upload an image? How do I upload an image? 1. Tap on the FLY Inspection App icon on your device.   2. Enter your Username and Password and tap on Login Button. 3. Select ...

  • How do I download the Physical Inspection Application?

    Table of Contents: How do I download the Physical Inspection Application? How do I download the Physical Inspection Application? 1. Login to your account using the username and password provided.   2....