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Mid-term Inspections Application

  • How do I edit images using FLYdocs Editor?

    Table of Contents : How do I write text on image? How do I add marker on image? How do I change color of marker on image? How do I undo my changes? How do I redo my changes? How do I write text on ima...

  • How to change work status of a row?

    Table of Contents : How to change work status of a row? How to change work status of a row? 1. Tap on the FLY Mid Term Inspection App icon on your device.   2. Login to your account using the username...

  • How do I access Export option?

    Table of Contents : How do I access Export option? How do I access Export option? 1. Tap on the FLY Mid Term Inspection App icon on your device.   2. Login to your account using the username and passw...

  • How do I view inspection forms of aircraft row?

    Table of Contents : How do I view inspection forms of aircraft row? How do I view inspection forms of aircraft row? 1. Tap on the FLY Mid Term Inspection App icon on your device.   2. Login to your ac...

  • How do I edit inspection forms of aircraft row?

    Table of Contents : How do I edit inspection forms of aircraft row? How do I edit inspection forms of aircraft row? 1. Tap on the FLY Mid Term Inspection App icon on your device.   2. Login to your ac...

  • How do I edit inspection forms of aircraft rows using voice recog...

    Table of Contents : How do I edit inspection forms of aircraft rows using voice recognition? How do I edit inspection forms of aircraft rows using voice recognition? 1. Tap on the FLY Mid Term Inspect...

  • How do I access Audit Trail of Aircraft rows?

    Table of Contents : How do I access Audit Trail of Aircraft rows? How do I access Audit Trail of Aircraft rows? 1. Tap on the FLY Mid Term Inspection App icon on your device.   2. Login to your accoun...

  • How do I access Audit Trail of Aircraft inspection forms?

    Table of Contents : How do I access Audit Trail of Aircraft inspection forms? How do I access Audit Trail of Aircraft inspection forms? 1. Tap on the FLY Mid Term Inspection App icon on your device.  ...

  • How do I collapse/expand aircraft rows?

    Table of Contents : How do I collapse aircraft rows? How do I expand aircraft rows? How do I collapse aircraft rows? 1. Tap on the FLY Mid Term Inspection App icon on your device.   2. Login to your a...

  • How do I pause/resume the download of an aircraft?

    Table of Contents : How do I pause download of an Aircraft? How do I resume download of an Aircraft? How do I pause download of an Aircraft? 1. Tap on the FLY Mid Term Inspection App icon on your devi...