Table of Contents How do I view Email Template in APU? How do I add an Email Template in APU? How do I edit Email Template in APU? How do I delete Email Template in APU? How do I view an audit trail o...
Table of Contents How do I view Lessee Contact Details in APU for Invoice Management? How do I add Lessee Contact Details in APU for Invoice Management? How do I edit Lessee Contact Details in APU for...
Table of Contents How do I add new Column? How do I edit Column? How do I delete Column? How do I reorder grid row? How do I view audit trail? How do I export audit trail? How do I add new Column? 1. ...
Table of Contents How do I add a work status? How do I edit a work status? How do I delete a work status? How do I reorder work status row? How do I view audit trail? How do I export audit trail? How ...
Table of Contents How do I add new document group? How do I edit document group? How do I delete document group? How do I reorder document group row? How do I show a document group to main users? How ...
Table of Contents How do I view manage work status list in aircraft? How do I add manage work status list in aircraft? How do I edit manage work status list in aircraft? How do I delete manage work st...
Table of Contents How do I view flyflow management in aircraft? How do I edit flyflow management in aircraft? How do I view audit trail of flyflow management? How do I export audit trail of flyflow ma...
Table of Contents How do I view email templates in aircraft? How do I add an email template in the aircraft? How do I edit the email template in the aircraft? How do I delete the email template in the...
Table of Contents How do I view manage claim reference number? How do I edit manage claim reference number? How do I view audit trail of manage claim reference number? How do I export audit trail of m...
Table of Contents How do I view flyflow management in engine? How do I edit flyflow management in engine? How do I view audit trail of flyflow management? How do I export audit trail of flyflow manage...